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National Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day 2023

National Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day 2023

Title: Times Square Fentanyl Awareness Event: United for a Safer Future

On August 21st, the heart of New York City's Times Square will bear witness to a truly momentous event. Organized by grassroots fentanyl awareness organizations and families profoundly impacted by the devastating effects of illicit fentanyl, this day of response aims to educate the public about the grave dangers posed by this deadly opioid. At the center of the event is the highly-anticipated unveiling of a symbol of hope and change, the "One Pill Can Kill" race car, owned and driven by the determined and compassionate Garret Therriault, a professional drift racer turned advocate.

Joining forces with New York Mayor Eric Adams, the event will also feature Rick Wallen, co-owner of Custom FN Customs of Auburn, and Andrea Thomas, a passionate advocate representing families who have tragically lost loved ones to fentanyl poisoning. Together, they share a unified mission: to raise awareness among individuals aged 13 and above, a demographic vulnerable to the sinister grasp of this deadly drug.

The event will unfold amidst the vibrant lights and energy of Times Square, with the "One Pill Can Kill" race car taking center stage. Wrapped in powerful messages of fentanyl awareness from the Placer County campaign, the car itself becomes a powerful call to action for all who behold it.

Garret Therriault, Driver will take to the stage, using his racing platform to share his personal journey of transformation. Formerly driven by competition and accolades, Garret now races for a higher purpose: to save lives. Recognizing the devastation caused by fentanyl, he has dedicated himself to bringing attention to the opioid crisis and preventing further loss of life. His inspiring dedication will undoubtedly touch the hearts of those present.

Mayor Eric Adams, a passionate advocate for public health and safety, will stand alongside Garret to emphasize the city's commitment to combatting the fentanyl epidemic. His presence underscores the urgency and necessity of protecting the city's youth and community from the deadly clutches of this opioid.

Rick Wallen, the driving force behind the "One Pill Can Kill" car, whose own experience as a recovering addict fueled the creation of the car, will share his personal story. His commitment to making a positive impact on young lives aligns perfectly with the grassroots fentanyl awareness organizations and affected families present at the event.

Andrea Thomas will speak on behalf of families who have experienced the heart-wrenching loss of loved ones due to fentanyl poisoning. Her powerful testimony will serve as a poignant reminder of the devastating consequences of illicit fentanyl use, underlining the urgency to educate the public and prevent further tragedies.

The impact of this event extends beyond the unveiling of the race car. As a testament to their commitment to saving lives, the quartet will launch a groundbreaking initiative. Transforming the "One Pill Can Kill" car into a mobile fentanyl awareness unit, they will distribute Narcan and fentanyl test strips throughout New York City.

Roaming the city streets, this mobile unit will provide critical resources to those in need, focusing on areas disproportionately affected by the opioid epidemic. Equipped with Narcan, they empower individuals with the ability to respond effectively to opioid overdoses, potentially saving lives in the process.

Additionally, the distribution of fentanyl test strips will offer vital information to individuals unknowingly exposed to this deadly substance. By checking illicit drugs for the presence of fentanyl, users can make informed decisions, reducing the risk of overdose and tragedy.

Engaging with community members, the quartet will raise awareness about fentanyl's prevalence and risks while providing information on addiction treatment resources and support groups. Their dedication and direct approach demonstrate the unwavering commitment to safeguarding the well-being of New York City's residents.

Together, through this multifaceted event, Driver Garret Therriault, New York Mayor Eric Adams, Rick Wallen, and Andrea Thomas ignite a movement of awareness, empathy, and action. Their shared vision, backed by the symbolic "One Pill Can Kill" race car, beckons society to unite against illicit fentanyl, protect vulnerable lives, and shape a safer and healthier future for all.

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